Sunday, January 14, 2007

Artistic freedom and all that

To: Bhardwaj Velamakanni
Thanks for your comments to my blog. My basic positiion is that freedom of expression, however pungent, must be allowed. The proper response to expressions unacceptable to us would be to express the reasons for our aversion. I fully support the Danish cartoonists and the Muslims' right to point out why the cartoonists were idiots. But under no circumstances should anybody's expressions be out of circulation. Now that we have such an ideal medium of freedm as the internet, we should cherish it and protect it from any form of censoring. In the name of expression, of course, there should be no physical violence.

1 comment:

Bhardwaj Velamakanni said...

Agreed Mr. Venugopal - I am not contesting your point about the freedom of speech. But I feel that freedom of speech should not lead to insults.