Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bobby Jindal

By Vikas Vij 07:33 28/Oct/2007 2 Comment(s)
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Bobby Jindal continued...
When Arnold Schwartznegger won his elections in California, the Austrians celebrated back home.
Similarly, Sonia Gandhi's victory caused jubilation in Italy, and became a hot topic of discussion in Italy's political circles, and the leading Italian newspapers frontpaged the news in headlines. And perhaps the most generous compliment of all, came from a magazine owned by the then Prime Minister of Italy (media magnate Bertolusconi) that said: "Now we are going to have two Italian Prime Ministers, but theirs is better than ours." It is the destiny of the narrow-minded to view everything through the colored glasses of race, religion and nationality. Whereas, if you view it through the prism of humanity, the victories of Arnold Schwartznegger, Bobby Jindal and Sonia Gandhi are the victories of humanity over parochialism and narrow-mindedness. These victories are the little joys of life that are shared and celebrated by those who understand their meaning. As humble immigrants, Arnie and Bobby came to America with hope and with stars in their eyes. They rose to the very top amid stiff hurdles and extreme competition. But the most delicious victory of all, perhaps, was the victory of Sonia Gandhi in India when she demolished the highly seasoned "ghaags" (I don't have an English equivalent for this term) of Indian politics -- in one swift stroke with her humility and straightforwardness. They heaped personal insults on her, such as repeatedly referring to her by her maiden name "Sonia Maino", and making fun of her Catholic religion, and even mocking her culture, accent, food habits and so on. It was the most vicious personal campaign ever orchestrated that single-mindedly attacked an individual's personal life. And yet that simple woman of Italian origin won against all odds and all opinion polls, and provided a fresh lease of life to the dead and buried Congress party of India. Let us understand a fundamental truth about humanity: Left to themselves, human beings do not discriminate. It is not in their nature. Hindus and Muslims lived like brothers before the partition riots -- their diverse cultures and diverse religious beliefs notwithstanding. Hindus and Sikhs lived the same way in Punjab before terrorism of the 80's. Politics, i.e., divide and rule, is man's second nature. Therefore, discrimination among humans becomes a critical divisive tool of politics. For the politician, it is easy to fool the emotional masses by using this tool effectively. But in an increasingly globalised world, this tool of race, nationality and religion is beginning to lose its discriminatory value. The dividing lines are blurring, even though very slowly. Jindal's or Sonia's victories are only a reaffirmation of this fact. Merit comes before anything else in today's competitive times. The choice of the candidate must be professional, and not emotional.
Let us not forget that the Indian ancient thought was based on the principle of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the whole world is one family.)
Ayam nijah parovetthi gananam laghu-chetasaamUdaar charitanam tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam"
[Maha Upanishad, Verse 71]
This is mine, that is yours, is man's petty way of seeing the reality; For those with noble consciousness, the whole world is a family.
Warning: But don't tell all this to emotional fools who are experts in fake patriotism. Even when the times are changing, you will never be able to change their thinking. An old Mewari saying: Akal deveyo'n naahi aaveyEey tou heeyo'n hi upajeySensibility cannot be givenIt sprouts from within

Venu Gopal said...
10:41 AM 28/Oct/07

Dear Vij, When you say, “But don't tell all this to emotional fools who are experts in fake patriotism. Even when the times are changing, you will never be able to change their thinking”, there seems to be a glossing over (explaining away) of others’ points of view. Are those who are emotional, fools? Fake patriotism? Who do you have in mind? I would say that those who sided China in the 1962 war and today oppose the Indo-US nuclear deal and those who consider Mecca as holy land but are unable to sing Vande Mataram but are willing to lap up all benefits they get as minorities are fake patriots. You say that changing times require change in thinking and yet you quote from the Upanishads, thereby asserting that some thoughts don’t dim with time.

Sonia Gandhi’s main agenda is strengthening Christianity in India. However when Jindal went to America he renounced Hinduism and converted to Christianity. One could say that in both instances each have only exercised their right to live and believe as they prefer. However, Vaasudeva Kutumbakam would work only if we accept that others’ way of living are also legitimate. An educated person like Jindal who abandoned Hinduism and accepted Christianity would only be working for Christ’s Kingdom (meaning the Church) and not for Vasudeva Kudumbakam. About Arnie, he has fans across the world including me but as of today he would not be able to become President of America. The Americans are only now talking of changing their constitution to allow a foreign-born to become President but till they actually do so (when they think it is priority) let us not be unfair on Indians who state the fact that Sonia is an Italian and we do not want an Italian Prime Minister of India.

INDER VIG said...
4:11 PM 29/Oct/07
This is mine, that is yours, is man''s petty way of seeing the reality; For those with noble consciousness, the whole world is a family.AND THATS THE ONLY TRUTH,,,,,,,WHAT A MEANING FULL POST IS YOURS,,,WISH ALL TO UNDERSTAND THE SPIRITS
Venu Gopal said...
10:03 AM 30/Oct/07

What Inder Vig says is absolutely true - mine-yours divide is a petty way of seeing reality. But the state of non-duality is achieved by man only after intense spiritual practices - till then our understanding would not be translated to reality. That we should be exited about an Indian becoming Governor of a state in America proves that the mine-yours divide is alive in us. Criticizing him for having converted also proves the existence of the same divide in us - our sense of righteousness and falsity. Whose sense of righteousness is true? Then again, the greatest of Advaita masters do come down to the level of ordinary people to raise them to a higher level. So even such Advaita masters need necessarily take a "my-way-right, your-way-wrong" stand point.
Therefore in the ultimate analysis, duality is inevitable. When we achieve non-duality, we achieve moksha - no more return to the pettiness of the world. Advaita is the absolute truth, the glory of Hinduism, the teaching that disproves the claim of the Semitic religions to be the ultimate messengers of truth. However, Advaita is for the individual. So long as we need to have a society, the mine-yours dichotomy would remain.
I further wish to add to what I''ve said above.
The teaching of Advaita has had pervasive effect on Hindu culture, the most obvious being the inclusive nature of Hinduism - crystallized in the mantra "Vasudeva Kutumbakam". Today, when the world is slowly and surely moving towards a clash of civilizations - between the Christian and Islamic worlds, Advaita can bring in the cooling effect - would even expose the limited dogmas of both these Semitic religions. Therefore if we are to contribute to universal well being both as individuals and as a society, the yogic vision of Advaita is inevitable, which alone would lead to a harmonious or Dharmic society.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Three Tough Questions?
Saturday 6 October, 2007
Category : Religion

11:54 27/Sep/2007 1 Comment(s)

Assalam o alaikum
Three Tough Questions?
There was a young man who went overseas to study for quite a long time. When he returned, he asked his parents to find him a religious scholaror any expert who could answer his 3 Questions. Finally, his parents were able to find a Muslim scholar.Young man: Who are you? Can you answer my questions? Scholar: I am one of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala )'s slaves and Insha-Allah(God willing), I will be able to answer your questions. Young man: Are you sure? A lot of Professors and experts were not able toanswer my questions.Scholar: I will try my best, with the help of Allah(SubHana Wa Ta`ala).Young Man: I have 3 questions: 1. Does God exist? If so, show me His shape.2. What is thaqdir (fate)? 3. If shaitan (Devil) was created from the fire, why at the end he willbe thrown to hell that is also created from fire. It certainly will not hurt him at all, since Shaitan (Devil) and the hell were created from fire. Did God not think of it this far?Suddenly, the Scholar slapped the young man's face very hard.Young Man (feeling pain): Why do you get angry at me? Scholar: I am not angry. The slap is my answer to your three questions. Young Man: I really don't understand.Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?Young Man: Of course, I felt the pain. Scholar: So do you believe that pain exists?Young Man: Yes. Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain!Young Man: I cannot.Scholar: That is my first answer. All of us feel God's existence without being able to see His shape... Last night, did you dream that you will be slapped by me?Young Man: No.Scholar: Did you ever think that you will get a slap from me,today?Young Man: No. Scholar: That is takdir (fate) my second answer........ My handthat I used to slap you, what is it created from? Young Man: It is created from flesh. Scholar: How about your face, what is it created from? Young Man: Flesh. Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you? Young Man: In pain. Scholar: Thats it. this is my third answer, Even though Shaitan Devil) and also the hell were created from the fire, if Allah wants, insha-Allah (God willing), the hell will become a very painful place for Allah said: If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you." If you are not ashamed, pass this message on...only if you believe. Yes, I love Allah. Allah is my fountain of Life and My Savior. Allah keeps me going day & night. Without Allah, I am no one. But with Allah, I can do everything. Allah is my strength." May Allah help u to succeed... Ameen. Take Care, Allah Hafiz.
What the scholar ostensibly tries to say is that there are answers to all questions. However, this would be true only if we draw correct inferences from direct knowledge/experience. For the inference to be correct, our direct knowledge/experience of a thing must be interchangeable with the as yet unknown thing. If we discover water, air etc. in a planet, we can infer that there are living beings in that planet because such conditions on earth have given rise to living beings. This inference could be correct if the water and air in that planet is interchangeable with earth's water and air. The scholar says just as pain has no shape, God too could be without shape. However, the inference may be misplaced because God and pain are not interchangeable. Therefore it might be a case of the scholar trying to bamboozle an impressionable young man.

Source of our problems
Saturday 6 October, 2007

18:08 20/Sep/2007 0 Comment(s)
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A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer. The lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.
The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.
When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups."
"Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change."
"If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy, taste and appreciate the water in it."
This is an exquisite insight. Congratulations for this piece. Seeking fulfillment in the transient external is never satisfactory. A sense of lack always remains. It is when we turn within, to the spiritual path, that we can overcome our sense of lack and the resultant restlessness.

I Asked God
Saturday 6 October, 2007

08:38 26/Sep/2007 3 Comment(s)
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I Asked God...

I asked God to take away my pain.
God said, No.'It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.'
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.'Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.'
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No. 'Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned.'
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.'I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.'
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.'Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.'
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.'You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.'
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.'I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.'
I asked God to help me love others, as much as he loves me.
God said...'Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.'
Venu Gopal said...
10:54 AM 6/Oct/07

A meaningful poem. We start life as a helpless baby totally dependent on external help. We need the external help, we get to like it, enjoy it, love it and finally we get bound to the external help and pleasure we derive. But somewhere along the line we are likely to feel something is lacking. At that point of time, depending on how we are influenced, we see the solution either in even more of external (material) conquests or the rejection of a material solution. If we so tend to reject the material solution, we would have begun on a quest within. This is the spiritual quest and it ends in not just discovering God but that we are in essence that divine power, having never had a reason for any sense of lack except for our ignorance.