Many religions posit that God created the universe and then claim to have exclusive revelations as to what He expects of us. However, it seems to me that the creator-created dichotomy is artificial and even if we posit that God created it all, it is obvious that the one thing He could not have created would be life, for the simple reason that God is always alive - a dead God is no God. "Creation" could have started only with life. If there was no life, there would have been no creation. If life ends, then it ought to have had a beginning. So if there was a time when there was no life, life would never have come about. Thus, we can safely say that life is eternal, without beginning and end. And since we have life in us, we can logically say that we have the eternal within us. Hence, when we die, life within us does not die. It will be interesting to note that there are religions which posit that we are not the body that dies, but we are the very life that does not die. As there cannot be two eternals, eternal life is eternal God. Therefore, at least according to certain religions, we are God.
Creation stands for ''''re-filling'''' values and virtues in us. We do lose our inner powers by passing through the cycle of birth and re-births. It is the divine Act of God to again purify us. Creation perhaps does not stand for creating our physical forms. It points to charging our ''self'' with inner powers. The world in an inter-play of three powers -- Souls , nature and the Supreme Soul.
Dear Ranjitji,
Thank you for your comments. It now appears to me that the creator-creation tale is the biggest myth of all. I would like to think there is only existence and we posit a God to explain existence without realising that we exist and therefore the most fruitful venture would be to turn within and experience existence within ourselves to obtain all answers. What do you think?
Thank you for your comments. It now appears to me that the creator-creation tale is the biggest myth of all. I would like to think there is only existence and we posit a God to explain existence without realising that we exist and therefore the most fruitful venture would be to turn within and experience existence within ourselves to obtain all answers. What do you think?
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