Friday, August 24, 2007

Saturday 25 August, 2007

09:58 25/Aug/2007 0 Comment(s)
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ON ONAM eve we get snubbed by Tamil Nadu by its regional satraps, we as Malayalees need to evaluate the causes of total lack of respect for the state in the national political scene.Wat astonishes me more is the fact that this is in the backdrop of the great respect that Malayaless get as individuals across any spectrum. I can personaly vouch for it for I hav spent a large part of my life in Mumbai.Why then do we not get even an ounce of that same respect collectively as a state tat we get personally for belonging to this state.With my limited knoweldge hav put down some pointsKerala lacks a strong regional party for we lack a self respect.Self respect is a by product of confidence. How can a state that survives on inward receipts of NRK's hav any.How can a state whose brightest brains r all outside hav any confidence.
It is said that " A Malayalee is the best worker , but outside Kerala"Unless we get rid of this prejudice and start devloping OUR KERALA as the
who call for agitations for all that happens in Palestine but hav noting to say wen Railway Recruitment Board goes abt the process of selection without proper coverage in the regional Newspaper, resulting in appointment of less than 10% of localites.

Venu Gopal said...
11:16 AM 25/Aug/07

It should be an eye-opener that some political parties in Kerala are today (Saturday, just two days away from Thiruonam) enforcing a railway bandh and have put out of gear all trains carrying train-full of Malayalees to Kerala to celebrate Onam. Why could they not have done it after Onam? Would they call for such bandhs on the eve of Id or Christmas? Probably serves the Malayalee right – he has always been enthusiastic in voting anti-Hindu forces to power!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tuesday 14 August, 2007

08:27 14/Aug/2007 0 Comment(s)
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The sight of the map of Mother India sends shivers down my spine, for ilook at her current map, i see her without her arms and i blame us herchildren for bringing such shame on her.on this fateful daylet us all take a solemn pledge that we will keep telling ourselvesthat we will celebrate our next Independence day in Lahore till it isachieved.It took 2000 years for the Jewish community but they didnt loose heart.I hereby assure you that if we HINDUS put our heart to it it will take us less than a century to achieve it.SAMARTH BHARAT AKHAND BHARAT

Venu Gopal said...
9:28 AM 14/Aug/07

Remembering Akhand Bharat and pledging to revert to our status as an unified nation is a noble cause for which we should be prepared to strive till success. Congratulations for your post on the eve of Akhand Bharat Smaran Din.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This Blog ends here

By Sandil Srinivasan 13:12 30/Jul/2007 0 Comment(s)
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It's been nice blogging here folks, and it's time to bid adieu. I loved the exposure here at rediff iLAND but it's time to shut down this blog for good -- I will be blogging more often at Mutiny.inand hope to see you there sometime.
... and I am retaining Showbizia :-)
The prime reason to have suspended blogging is because I want to focus on completing my book. In the interim, I have setup a personal blog for myself where I play around with fiction, and photoblogging -- 2S

Venu Gopal said...
8:04 PM 1/Aug/07

Oh, Sandy, I was shocked that you''ve decided to end your blogging at Rediffmail. You are undoubtedly the best writer I''ve read in this blogsphere. I''ve not read all your blogs but I''ve saved it all to read when I have the time because I know that I will be sitting at a luxurious banquet table of literature when I get that holiday I''ve promised myself to attend your party of great reading. However, I''m happy you will continue to be in the world of writing with your planned book. Do announce it on Rediffmail when it is ready. Further, I''ll follow you to the other sites you have mentioned. I''d be a fool if I don''t because a good read is what I relish the most. Best wishes to you and thanks a ton for all the wonderful writings.